Stantar Kkomety
Open Mic Nights
The bread and butter and fork and knife and shield and sword of any comedy scene. Randos give it a shot. Veterans try out stuff. Regulars develop their first hour. Everybody is happy. For the most part.
Line Up Nights
The Stantar Suspects
4 seasoned comedians share the stage with 25 minutes worth of tricks and punches, good enough to make you forget you are nuts and your nuts.
Workout Room
Νύχτες Δοκιμής
A curated open mic were seasoned comedians try out new stuff, develop their material or hone their crowd work skills.
Stantar Kkomety Show
2 Seasoned comedians, a newbie and a wannabe walk into a bar.
The rest is history, herstory, ourstory, make sure to make a story out of this awesome night of all levels of comedy performing at their top potential.
Blind Date
Comedy Night
If only we were brave, if only we were reckless enough to risk it all and fall in love. If only we weren’t all relatives and still living with our parents. Then this show would be a hit. Now it’s a storm waiting to happen. Those who dare step up, sign up and lets f*ck things up.
More events in English (and not only) coming soon!
* Applications open only for Open Mics and Blind Date Comedy Nights